Eatery in Washington, DC Prints Breaking News on Receipts

2013-01-16 23

An eatery in Washington, DC is printing updated news on receipts.

These days, there are many options when it comes to checking news.

Diners in Washington D.C. are getting their news in an unusual way.

Visitors of an eatery called ‘Old Ebbitt Grill’ get news updates printed directly on a receipt that is delivered by their waiter.

The headlines won’t be from hours or days earlier - they will be latest headlines from the associated press, covering stories that broke during the course of the diner’s meal.

The co-founder of the printing company involved with new promotion states “We're great believers in the power of paper, despite the fact that we're in the middle of iPhone heaven. So the idea behind it is to see if news updates would work in certain venues, particularly upscale restaurants.”

Last year, Tim Horton's, a well-known coffee chain, partnered up with one of UAE's major news outlets, Gulf News to deliver hot coffee and hot off the press news using an innovative idea. Tim Horton's coffee features the Gulf News tweets printed in real time on each and every coffee sleeve.