I would like to share to you something about Neuropeptides and what it can do to our bodies. Neuropeptides are compounds that consist of two or more amino acids chained together by what is called a peptide bond. They are released by neurons or brain cells as intercellular messengers while some function as neurotransmitters and others as hormones. Neuropeptides like cholesterol and many other substances in our body can work for or against us. Anti-inflammatory neuropeptides work to reduce inflammation for the skin.
Other benefits of anti-inflammatory neuropeptides are repair the scars and wrinkles, increase circulation that results in breathtaking radiance and glow, experience rapid wound repair and develop a dewy supple appearance. Neuropeptides also control our moods,energy levels,pain and pleasure reception, body weight and the ability to solve problems. They also form memories and regulate our immune system.
And what's good about it is that there is actually a food that naturally contains neuropeptides. What food may these be? It's actually not just food but a raw organic superfood. It's called Raw Cacao Nibs.
Yes, Raw Cacao Nibs are chocolates coming from the seeds or beans of the cacao fruit. They are gently crushed and it is sure to satisfy cravings of the body, mind and spirit as well. It is not only loaded with a lot of neuropeptides it also is loaded with other nutrients. Nutrients like Magnesium, Monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors or MAO inhibitors, and Anandamide. It also contains a lot of antioxidants.
So, are you ready to take the benefits of neuropeptides in your body?Then get ready for Raw Cacao Nibs because they will surely satisfy your cravings. Have a healthy life!