Enjoy the World's Healthiest Foods in the Powerful Healthiest Way of Eating Plan (Organic Super Foods)

2013-01-25 33


You will love the foods in the Healthiest Way of Eating Plan: sweet fruit, rich in antioxidants vitamins, minerals, and fiber; great tasting vegetables, rich in immune-boosting nutrients; crunchy fresh salads that are full of enzymes and alive with flavor; great omega-3-rich fish recipes; beans and legumes are rich in folate, protein, and fiber; and nuts and seeds that are great for snacks.

For over 30 years I was told it would be impossible for food alone (without taking supplements) to supply enough nutrients to promote optimal health, but that's what the Healthiest Way of Eating Plan is all about. It supplies it with you with over 100% of most nutrients your body needs. Each nutrient has a specific role to play in the regeneration of the approximately 300 billion new cells created by our bodies each day! For these cells to be healthy, proper nutritional intake is a must. And because nutrients work synergistically, the Plan provides the variety of nutrient-rich foods nutrients to support the synergistic interaction of nutrients. The nutrients concentrated in the World's Healthiest Foods featured in the the Plan also provide anti-inflammatory protection for a healthier cardiovascular system and a stronger immune system as well as protection against the free radical activity that can damage cellular structures and DNA.

The Plan provides over 100% Daily Value of many important nutrients from foods. These include:

Protein-rich foods that scientific studies have found to promote healthy skin, hair, and nails
Vitamin K-rich foods that scientific studies have found to promote the absorption of calcium and prevent osteoporosis
Vitamin A-rich foods that scientific studies have found to help support a healthy immune system, prevent frequent colds and flues, and promote healthy vision
Vitamin C-rich foods that scientific studies have found to help reduce free radical damage to cells.
Fiber-Rich Foods that scientific studies have found to help support the health of the digestive system
Folate-rich foods that scientific studies have found to help support cardiovascular health.
