Happy the man that finds the grace - Chris Lawton at Fletcher Memorial Methodist Church, Madeley

2013-01-16 76

Another of me playing the Compton electrone model CH2 organ at Fletcher Memorial Methodist Church in Madeley near Telford, Shropshire.

Im playing the hymn 'Happy the man that finds the grace' to the tune 'Blockley' which makes use of some of the softer tones available on the organ. In the first verse I use the Clarinet stop on the upper manual accompanied by the Flutes on the lower with the 'mute' setting.

Many thanks to the church officials for allowing me to play this wonderful Compton organ.

NOTE: this is purely my interest in order to make sure that these fine organs are archived forever and I do not make any monetary profit by this video being on dailymotion.

For more information on the John Compton Organ Company Ltd and to see me play other Compton organs, please click on the following link for my site dedicated to the John Compton Organ Company Ltd:


REQUEST: I am always on the lookout for Compton organs to play - particularly electrones - so if you know of any churches which still have these then please do let me know. I will happily give a donation or pay any applicable room hire charge.