Election commission of pakistan releases assets details of political parties.

2013-01-10 134

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Wednesday released the audited assets details of the political parties pertaining to the year 2009-10 and 2010-11.

According to the Political Parties Order 2002, it is compulsory for a political party to submit the details of chartered accountant audited consolidated statement of party accounts to the ECP.

The Political Parties Order 2002 binds a political party to provide information about annual income and expenses, sources of its funds, assets and liabilities within 60 days from the close of each financial year.

According to the ECP, the Awami National Party (ANP) had fixed assets amounting to Rs27,229,400 in 2009 and its assets remained unchanged in 2010.

The Jamat-i-Islami (JI) has expenditures of Rs3,898,312 in 2010 as comparing to Rs5,002,437 in 2009. Its bank balances in 2010 were Rs5,444,271 against Rs5,414,533 in 2009.

The Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians had closing balance of Rs435,397 in 2010 as compared to Rs435,745 in 2009.

The Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) received Rs4,479,440 in 2010 on account of donations and ticket fee, while its assets in 2009 were Rs4,054,793 and in 2010 Rs32,133,692. The party had liabilities of Rs55,000 in 2010. It had Rs3,655,445 in its bank accounts.