Sweet Memories – Naoki Nishi 西 直樹 with Minako Honda 本田 美奈子.

2013-01-09 4

This video was uploaded in 2007 or 2008. The song, “Sweet Memories” is found as Track 7 on the album “Jazzy Breeze” released by King Records on March 6, 2002. Naoki Nishi 西直樹 performs on the piano while Minako Honda 本田 美奈子. sings in the background. Earlier, it was part of an episode in the 2001 NHK series “heart/hurt” with both Naoki Nishi 西直樹 and Minako Honda 本田 美奈子. Included in the video is Seishiro Kusunose 楠瀬誠志郎 . At the end of this video are two photographs; the first is of Naoki Nishi 西直樹 and Seishiro Kusunose 楠瀬誠志郎 , the second is of Naoki Nishi 西直樹 and Minako Honda 本田 美奈子.

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