Superfood Diets for Glowing Skin (Organic Super Foods)

2013-01-14 75

Ask most dermatologists what you should eat to help improve your skin and you'll probably get a vague answer about a balanced diet and plenty of water. "Doctors have been taught to be very skeptical about nutritional approaches to health, because past advice wasn't based on hard science," says dermatologist Valori Treloar, M.D., coauthor of The Clear Skin Diet. But their skepticism is fading as more patients sing the praises of food's skin-morphing powers, and newer research backs them up. Take teens with acne: They swear that chocolate makes breakouts worse, and (vindication!) a preliminary study of 18- to 35-year-olds presented at this year's American Academy of Dermatology conference suggests they're right.

As the proof trickles in, experts are also realizing why reliable studies on nutrition and skin are so hard to find, Dr. Treloar says: They're expensive, and people in food studies aren't always so hot at sticking to diets. And then there's the complexity of how nutrients work together in the body. For instance, after vitamin E wipes up destructive free radicals, it becomes oxidized and useless. Vitamin C restores E to its original form, but in the process, C becomes oxidized and needs yet another element to become helpful again. Interactions like these make it nearly impossible to credit one nutrient for healthy, glowy skin—and explain why foods tend to have more of an effect on your body than supplements do, says Kristin Kirkpatrick, R.D., nutrition advisor to

Sold? We were! So we developed three diets—one each to tackle acne; dry, dull skin; and aging—that basically involve filling up on delicious foods rich in nutrients with face-saving virtues. And don't be afraid to pile your plate high: It's practically impossible to OD on nutrients through diet alone. All you have to do is ID your top skin woe and dish up a gorgeous future.