| global citizenship issues
About the Video: global citizenship issues,
The Mosquitos Suck Tour is a school assembly presentation that teaches kids about global citizenship issues and how they can become global citizens by getting involved in malaria prevention. The show is an educational magic show that features two of Canada's most dynamic performers in a funny and energetic school assembly program that is all about preventing malaria around the world.
More about malaria
Anyone that lives in the tropical regions of the world has a higher probability of catching malaria which can be a life or death situation, especially if you do not have the proper treatment. Mosquitoes in the tropics carry malaria, specifically the parasites that have this disease - if you get bitten, it is very probable you will have to find some type of malaria treatment. If you believe that you have malaria, it is crucial that you get a blood test as soon as possible to determine whether or not you have this killer disease and begin treatment. One global citizenship issue is how do people a half a world away help people in tropical regions fight this threat?
Anyone that lives in the tropical regions of the world has a higher probability of catching malaria which can be a life or death situation, especially if you do not have the proper treatment. Mosquitoes in this area of the world carry parasites that cause malaria which is why you have to be extra careful when traveling in these regions. At the first sign of any symptoms that could be malaria, it's crucial to get a blood test to find out whether or not you have malaria, so treatments can begin quickly if necessary.
The Mosquitoes Suck Tour (MST) is a 60 minute performance show featuring funny, talented and engaging performers whose goal is to both inform and entertain their audience. MST is performed in a highly energetic, interactive style which is sure to keep students (and teachers) on the edge of their seats.
To learn more about global citizenship issues and to book the Mosquitos Suck Tour call us today 416-877-3570.
189 Gatwick Drive
Oakville, ON L6H 6T6
Topic: global citizenship issues