Odel Stunkard The Business Spotlight Odels Business Success Plan

2013-01-05 5

odellstunkard.com Odell Stunkard on The Business Spotlight hosted by Patrick Dougher talking about business success plans. You can connect with Odell at 972-600-2300.


Patrick: What are some of the foundation stones that you use? You've told me right there that you're not just an expert marksman in being able to hit your target each time. You actually had systems in place that can show other people how to hit their target every time. Is that what you're saying?
Odell: Pretty much. Sometimes you have to pivot to a different target, but once you're in that place then you can move forward because you have this baseline system.
Someone you'll be talking to later, Bob Bare, taught me that there are three basic legs to any business. There are processes in all of them and you unify them into one system. One of the big mindset shifts that people have to make if they're really going to succeed in business is that you only have one system. You don't have a thousand systems. You have one. You have only one thing that you're focusing on. There may be a thousand moving parts under it, but you have one.
For me, the foundational pieces have been to identify where I want to go and then to put the team in place that can support me being there, and then become the person who is there and then be there. The pieces that move into that are knowing what you need to track to know if you're on target for this particular place -- let's say in sales.
I don't like using sales. Number one, because it only gives you one third of the picture. But when you're tracking, you want to track each piece of your business and make sure that it's on track and that you have the right people in the right place. You've done your market analysis, you've done your business plan, and you're in gear. You're beginning to move. Now you need to know if the execution steps that you've set can be achieved using the methodology that you currently have in place. If they can't, then you tweak the execution. You leave the plan alone.
Those are some of the foundational pieces. It's to make sure you have a good plan, align the plan to the activities, check the activities, and come back and correct the execution. Then make sure that you're staying on track with the plan