Q-Link Pendant Review (Qlink Pendant EMF Protection)

2013-01-05 141


We have heard the debates before. “They do nothing” or “They helped me like a miracle”, but do these things actually work? We were asked to take the Q-Link Challenge and by the end of this review, we hope to have some answers. When we were first contacted by the company to review this product, I immediately thought that they were in for a treat. I have laughed my way around the course many a times when I see guys wearing these things and swear by them. It seems as though every few years a fad comes through that gets a bunch of people asking “Does it work?” and after a few years they blow over and the people that swore by them realized they wasted some money. But none of those seemed to have the staying power as the Q-Link.

When the company called us and asked for us to cover it, I must admit I had a “devilish” grin on my face and was really looking forward to proving all of them wrong once and for all. After a few short days a package arrived and in the small little box was my very own Q-Link to try out along with some literature on exactly how great this device is.


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