British Government Prepared for Zombie Invasion

2013-01-03 8

The British Government is prepared for a zombie invasion.

The British government has revealed that in the event of a zombie attack, the military would back any decision made by the Cabinet Office civil authority.

The Ministry of Defense released a statement in response to a question from a member of the public saying that “In the event of an apocalyptic incident, eg zombies, any plans to rebuild and return England to its pre-attack glory would be led by the Cabinet Office, and thus any pre-planning activity would also take place there.”

Last year, the government had to answer to a similar question about their preparation for a zombie attack by saying that they had no specific plan, but that many aspects of other emergency protocol would apply to such an event.

Other governments have had to address the issue as well.

The United States government’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a website dedicated to “zombie preparedness.”

Dr Ali Khan is quoted on the webpage as saying: "If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack."

Do you think governments should have a plan in case of an invasion by zombies?