Jenny Macklin Could Live on the Dole and understands

2013-01-02 65

Jenny Macklin Could Live on the Dole and understands

Gary Gray MP failure to carry out employed roll for which paid - My service

@AWUnion Experience with Australia Workers Union. AWU in workplace corruption

No BB @NBNCo transport & training removed to punish for Telstra & Gov so I could not complete Cert4 and start Business

indoor coverage isn't going to be great (especially with tin rooves!)
#holty24 rep @Telstra says: Been to Broken Hill?

Rain is as rare as 3G connectivity here & @Telstra know their stuff, building code should #BAN all TinRoof's

Although rain sounds nice on tin roofs @Telstra no longer supply 3G to Mining towns like Broken Hill with Tin Roof's

@AWUnion you allowed Tandou Farm to black list me and remove my livelihood because you do not agree? You pay yourself far more then the people you represent and you repay them with this.
@AWUnion you are the face of Australian Labor and you do harm?