Christian Guitar- Sliding C Sus - Easy Guitar Lessons

2012-12-29 51

Using 'Sliding Chords' is very Non-Traditional. This Video will show you how to Slide the C Sus & give a Practice Rhythm, to show you how to use it.

-- The information that you will be learning in this Lesson 10 video, wasn't learned from an Instructor or in a Book. This was learned through trial & error. When I learned about Power Chords - Power Chords were simply taking the E Chord finger position, barring the Fret with the Index Finger and moving it. I decided to try doing this with other Guitar Chords. And what I found, was pretty interesting!
--------Be on the look out for other 'Sliding Chord videos', I will have them available soon.

There is written info that goes along with this video in 'Lesson 10'. Use the link below, then click on 'Lesson 10'.

-Want more info on these Free Guitar Lessons?

'Jesus Praiseworthy Logo' designed by Chris Roosen of Cross Town Customs. Logo purchased through ebay. Great Job Chris!


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