Singer Daler Mehndi's 23-year-old son, Gurdeep, making his debut with 'Meri Shaadi Kar Do'.The Actor and team of the film were present at the theatrical launch of the filmA romantic comedy, Meri Shaadi Karao, is the story of Kalyan Singh who has lovingly raised his brother's son,Gurdeep as his own. Kalyan Singh harbours a secret unrequited love for his college mate Preetam who married someone else many years ago. By a quirk of fate he comes to know that his old love had been divorced and is looking for a good marital match for her daughter Radhika.Seeing this as an opportunity to meet his old love again he hatches a plan to get Gurdeep married to Radhika.What starts as a well-intentioned union soon spirals into a comedy of errors as the film reaches it climax.
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