The Need to Know Guide to Nutrition and Healthy Eating : The Perfect Starter To Eating Well or How To Eat The Right Foods, Stay In Shape And Stick To A Healthy Diet

2012-12-23 124

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How To Eat The Right Foods, Stay In Shape And Stick To A Healthy Diet

First things first, this isn't a diet book; it's a simple guide to healthy eating.

In other words, the following pages will not advise you to follow any radical changes in your eating habits. Instead, you will learn the basics of good nutrition and the many benefits that can result.

Indeed, there is now a wealth of irrefutable evidence to suggest that good diet has a range of positive health consequences. Furthermore, there is also reasonable consensus amongst nutritionists as to what a 'good diet' for most people actually is. This ebook will therefore introduce you to some simple guidelines which, if you decide to follow them and commit to a positive new eating habit, will help you to:

• control your body weight and lose excess fat without dieting
• have more energy, better mood and concentration

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