Alien Like Skulls Found in Mexico

2012-12-22 1,398

A burial ground in Mexico unravels a bizarre sight.

Archaeologists working in Mexico have uncovered an ancient burial ground containing 25 human remains.

Some of the skulls had undergone purposeful cranial deformation, and some of them have mutilation on their teeth.

A few of the bodies were found wearing jewelry like nose rings, earring, bangles, or shell pendants.

One of the graves had a turtle shell placed over the body.

Archaeologist Cristina Garcia Moreno, director of the research project from Arizona State University said: “This unique find shows a mix of traditions from different groups of northern Mexico. The use of ornaments made from sea shells from the Gulf of California had never been found before in Sonoran territory and this discovery extends the limit of influence of Mesoamerican peoples farther north than has been previously recorded.”

The cranial deformations were used a distinction of social class, and for rituals.

Another elongated skull known as the Starchild skull was a sensation in the 1930 when it was found in the Chihuahua region of Mexico.

Alien theorists are claiming that the elongated skulls are evidence of alien visitation and cross breeding between humans and aliens.

What do you think of the ancient burial ground discovery?