Waqt ki Qadar, by Engineer Wahaj us Siraj (Juma 21-12-12)

2012-12-21 119

Wahaj us Siraj is CEO and co-founder of Nayatel which has installed Pakistan's first fiber to the home network in 2006 in Islamabad and Rawalpindi to provide ultra broadband internet, high definition TV and telephony services to business and home users. Earlier, Mr. Siraj has been part of teams that launched Pakistan’s first broadband network in 2002 and Pakistan’s first country wide ISP in 1996. Mr. Siraj worked with the Government of Pakistan for fifteen years before switching his career as entrepreneur.

A founding member of ISP Association of Pakistan (ISPAK) and strong activist for reforms in the IT and telecom sector, Mr. Siraj holds a Masters Degree in Engineering from University of Melbourne, Australia and a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from UET, Lahore.