Hack RP/IP League of Legends Dec 20, 2012- Tested twice

2012-12-20 756

Hi guys ^^!

The most important thing is to reach level 6 in the new version :)
I've found that almost all of the links in youtube are fake ("NOT" this one).... so I tried to find out a working link and I finally found it.

[This video is old but the bug link is new and is 100% working on latest Vi

***Patched Link (December,20 2012):
(When you reach lvl 6, Riot will credit you a random amount of RP and IP after each game)
***Working on latest Vi_nam patch!!!
***Tested December 20

You can also unlock Tristana and Alistar for free. Just follow the instructions on this pages:
***Free Tristana champ and skin https://www.facebook.com/leagueoflegends/app_4949752878
***Free Alistar champ and skin http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/subscribe-riot-games-youtube-get-unchained...

You're wondering how to get riot points for free?
well, its pretty easy to explain: this bug is based on RIOT's halloween-special, which should be for new players to get easier in league of legends. this "halloween-special" never became public, cause they couldn't organize a random amount from 50 RP till 100 RP.
so long story short: this "trick", "bug", "hack" (call it whatever you like) IS working 100% for the player, but not for riot, cause they're loosing so much money...

Follow the steps in the video or check the short version bellow:


2.Join the League !!! it means just create an League of Legends account

3.Start League of Legends and log in with your new account

4.Reach Lvl 6 to get free RP! ( Riot will credit you a random amount of RP and IP after each game)

5.Choose the 'sword with wings' as your summoner icon !!!
(this step is just a bug: the sword will change into 'blue mountains' automatically. its obviously a bug and we know to use it

ATTENTION!!! If the Icon didn't changed automatically, just change it before you get to level 10

6.Click on beginner !!!! just because its easier to level up

7.Now its time for you to level... level... LEVEL....

8.After reach lvl 10 log out and restart your pc and log in again...... ( However, some accounts need to wait for 48hours to get your free riot point.....)

***Tips for reaching level 10

-Play battle training (NO TUTORIAL) - it makes you level 2 and a half
-On level 3 you are getting 400 RP - buy 1 day XP Boost with your RP
-Do not leave games or use offensive language - you can be suspended
-You can play continuously - you can reach level 10 even in 1-3 days

***Last time tested 12/20/2012 (works with all servers)

***UPDATE: If you have read description and still have questions, please take a look at comments. I'm sure you can find answers to most of your questions in video description.