Pure gold pills are on the market, which decorate your excrement.
These days, there are pills available for pretty much anything.
Now, you can even get pure gold pills.
The retailer states “Analogous to our culture’s obsession with luxury and consumption, these 24K gold leaf capsules turn your innermost parts into chambers of wealth. “
Once ingested, the taker’s excrement will supposedly have flecks of gold in it due to the shiny pills.
Developed by Tobias Wong and J.A.R.K., the capsules measure 20 millimeters long
and sell for an astounding $425.
Wong developed the pills as part of his ‘Indulgences’ line’.
According to the pill designers “INDULGENCES addressed the creation of and demand for the unnecessary, directly commenting on the ever-expanding market of luxury items in our culture”.
Wong also designed a silver pill back in 1998. The pure silver capsules pass through the human body and lands in the taker’s stool, creating the same effect as the gold: decorating excrement with tiny silver flecks.
What do you think about these products?