Elf on the Shelf Christmas

2012-12-13 5

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The Elf on the Shelf 2012: Unless you've been living under a rock in a cave on a deserted island, you've probably heard of the Elf on the Shelf, the creepy doll, book and movie franchise that is ruining Christmas for thousands of families across North America.

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The Elf on the Shelf is a doll marketed by Georgia book publisher CCA and B. According to the story, Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas "tradition." The Elf sits on a shelf or elsewhere in the house and watches the children. At night it flies back to the North Pole and tells Santa Claus whether the kids have been naughty or nice. Then it returns to the house and sits in a new location the next day.

In reality, Elf on the Shelf is a twisted marketing ploy designed to make children beg their parents for Elf on the Shelf products. Children pester their parents to buy a doll they believe will spy on them and tattle to Santa. Not only do parents have to buy the doll, they also have to move the thing to a new location in the house each night to keep their kids happy.

Last December Next Media Animation released a satirical animation called "Elf on the Shelf all the rage for Christmas 2011." Our Elf on the Shelf video got the attention of the company's lawyers, who sent a letter to NMA threatening legal action for alleged defamation and trademark infringement. The lawyers filed a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown with YouTube, causing YouTube to block the animation. Elf on the Shelf all the rage for Christmas 2011 is a parody and protected under fair use, so after a few days NMA's Elf on the Shelf video was restored.

You can watch NMA's first Elf on the Shelf animaiton here: http://youtu.be/F33yAP1eW8U
NMA's animated response to the DMCA takedown is here: http://youtu.be/XOxGfXhkEh0

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