My 2nd Video Blog - The Whistler's Video Blog by Jonathan 'Whistler' Erskine-Nartey

2012-12-12 3

Here is the music beat (I loved it so much that I had to put it in repeat mode) from my favourite Sony PS1 video game: Gran Turismo - (starting from 0:32 mark) that I was attempting to "Rap" over the music beat while making up the chrous as I go along in order to complete my song lyrics #15: out of 22 song lyrics for "Who's Rapper R?" Album - postponed until later in the future. But the music beat was a bit tricky for me!

Sorry for the music is too low because my next door neighbour will knock on my door and complaining about loud music, so I had to set the volume control both on my Mixer & Hi-Fi very low while Rapping at the same time using the music beat connected from my Dell XPS 630i PC -