China Troubles Smartphone Makers with New Requirements

2012-12-12 117

More Chinese are online than ever. In 2012, the number jumped to over half a million. Smartphones have played a large role in this increase, but now developers are anxious.

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has filed a notification with the World Trade Organization. Developers are potentially required to clear preloaded apps and future software updates with Chinese authorities before they are released. This process causes delays as country-specific standards are met.

The Wall Street Journal points out that the WTO notification also hints at more sinister things ahead. Mentions were made of (quote) "new standards put forth by the Chinese government, which if passed could force companies to help China's government identify users and track their application use."

Many manufacturers are less than pleased with the new measures. They might have the chance to make some changes. The notification may be modified within 60 days of being filed with the WTO.

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