The Logo Machine: Lesley Moore Design's DIY Branding

2012-12-06 2

The Logo Machine: Lesley Moore Design's DIY Branding
The Consulate General of the Netherlands, SF - California College of the Arts
Lesley Moore is an Amsterdam-based graphic design studio founded by Karin van den Brandt and Alex Clay in 2004. Their moniker is a pseudonym derived from the modernist maxim "less is more," which fits their approach toward graphic design. Their clients include Mark Magazine and The Centraal Museum in Utrecht. Their work has been featured internationally, most recently in Niveaux de Gris (grayscale) Poster Exhibition, exhibited at the Chaumont Poster Festival in 2009. Lesley Moore is also a member of Gorilla, an activist collective of graphic designers who won the public vote at the Rotterdam Design Prize in 2009.Karin and Alex will be conducting a two-day workshop with CCA graphic design students and a presentation about their work and practice. The lecture will be followed by a reception and exhibition of the workshop results.Lesley Moore is the brainchild of Karin van den Brandt (1975, Blerick, The Netherlands) and Alex Clay (1974, Lørenskog, Norway). Since studying at the Arnhem Academy of the Arts (now ArtEZ) their careers have been intertweened. Early cooperations include the design for the Academy’s magazine ‘De Kunsten’. After graduating, van den Brandt and Clay were merged again whilst working as designers at Dutch agency De Designpolitie.In 2004 they went on to form Lesley Moore, the name referring to ‘less is more’. This mentality can be detected on various levels in their work, but first and foremost in the minimalistic approach in the conceptual phase of the creative process.One of their most significant projects is the ongoing Lesley Moore logo experiment. The logos are made by visitors to the Lesley Moore website. Anyone – friends, family, colleagues, clients and others - can create a logo and thus make a contribution to Lesley Moore’s corporate identity. A palette consisting of basic graphic forms and the Lesley Moore initials L and M form the ingredients. All the logos are stored in a logobank; since the first logo was created in August 2004, thousands of logos have been contributed. Every single logo – good or bad – will be used once, giving Lesley Moore its identity at that specific moment.In 2006, Lesley Moore got a golden opportunity to ventilate its political opinions through the daily visual column Gorilla, a collaboration with graphic designers Herman van Bostelen and De Designpolitie. Gorilla comments news through text and image re-using existing symbols, icons and slogans with a strong paralel to the political poster. It was a fixed daily feature on the front page of the national newspaper De Volkskrant for more than 2 years. Gorilla has won national and international acclaim through various awards and exhibitions.Lesley Moore is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and apart from the daily practice is currently teaching at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute.