Harold Bloom: Shakespeare, Strangeness, and Meaning

2012-12-06 53

Harold Bloom: Shakespeare, Strangeness, and Meaning
The Graduate Center, CUNY - Proshansky Auditorium
Titled "Criticism and Self-Influence,"focusing on his readings of Whitman in his first lecture and of Shakespeare in his second, these lectures are contributions to Harold Bloom's intellectual biography. They will give a sense of how Harold Bloom reads, what stirs his mind, what he looks for, and what he projects on a text. With so impressive a list of works to his credit, Bloom will assess not only his impact on the world of literary criticism, but also his vision as a man of letters who has taught us how to think about that one subject that will always challenge our ability to think: art. The Ph.D. Program in Comparative Literature is proud to announce the launch of its series Critical Theory Today with two major talks by preeminent literary scholar and critic Harold Bloom. Professor Bloom, who is Sterling Professor of Humanities at Yale University, will deliver lectures on two consecutive Mondays, March 19 and March 26."