Has the Climate Skepticism Campaign Discredited the IPCC?

2012-12-06 8

Has the Climate Skepticism Campaign Discredited the IPCC?
Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Wordstorm 2010
Here at Darwin's annual writers' event, Professor Tim Flannery launches his Wordstorm 2010 address with a primer on the basic science of climate change, which he argues was universally unchallenged until recent years when it's become a political football.Flannery knows that problem first-hand, having been head of the Copenhagen Climate Council. He speaks of the media's attempt to discredit the Copenhagen talks and his deep disappointment at the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) not being passed in Australia's parliament. He offers a damning critique of the Rudd Government's "funking out" on this issue.His address, based on a recent essay Now or Never, maps out how, in the next few decades, we are likely to see the collapse of major ice shelf, and therefore, rising sea levels.Despite all this gloom and doom, Flannery remains optimistic about the climate change challenge. He favors new carbon reduction methods, such as the sequestration of carbon in soils, which can have a big impact.