The Sky Is Not the Limit for the Cloud
Ventana Research - The Tech Museum
The advent of cloud computing and the technology model of software as a service (SaaS) or utility computing is well underway. Cloud computing is becoming rapidly more important as the preferred computing method. Now, as a new generation of opportunity for business is being seized, the risk of imbalance seems unavoidable. With multiple applications and little connectivity across them, the move to the cloud introduces a new challenge in the data management. With data spread across cloud computing providers, an ever-increasing demand for analytics is introducing new challenges for management and analysts to respond quickly to business opportunities and issues alike. This session will bring forth implications of the "quick and easy sign up" and the true expense of cloud computing, revealing the what lies ahead for the use of cloud computing and the impact it will have on every organization in 2013 and beyond.
Robert Kugel, CFA, SVP & Research Director, Business Practice, Ventana Research