In Human Trafficking Cases, Prevention Should Come First

2012-12-04 30

In Human Trafficking Cases, Prevention Should Come First
American Bar Association Section of International Law - Grand Hyatt
Not for Sale: Global Responses to Sex & Labor Trafficking...12-year-olds - under constant supervision by pimps in the alleys of the Sonagachi Red-light district...Young girls brutishly incarcerated in poorly-lit, overcrowded, Indian brothels for paid sex...Vulnerable trafficked boys and girls toiling daily on cocoa plantations in Cote d'Ivoire ...Adolescent sex slaves in the United States. Human trafficking has become a global human rights epidemic. From forced prostitution to forced labor, an estimated 27 million people currently are victims of this modern-day brand of slavery. How do we tackle this worldwide scourge of human exploitation? How doesone combat human trafficking within and across country borders? What is the world's response via domestic laws? International regulations? UN Conventions? Thispanel will bring together diverse world leading experts to discuss and analyze this distressing universal predicament."