Islamists protest to pressure Egypt court

2012-12-02 224

Protesters gather outside Egypt's highest court as the power struggle between the country's president and judiciary plays out.

The demonstrations by President Mohamed Mursi's Islamist supporters prompted the Supreme Constitutional Court to cancel its session Sunday.

They are urging the court not to dissolve the upper house of Parliament and the controversial committee that drafted the new constitution.

This man says the court should respect the president's recent order to protect the two bodies.

But opponents say Islamists have monopolized the drafting process and are grasping for more power.


''I am a Muslim but the church withdrew from the assembly so there must be something they don't like. This country must have Muslims and Christians; there must be a plurality of opinion. No one opinion should dominate.

The president announced Saturday that the draft constitution would be put to a popular referendum on December 15th.

Mursi's maneuvering to increase his powers and speed the constitution's completion have prompted both sides to mobilize mass protests in the capital.