Benefits of Yacon Root The Diabetics Sugar Friend (Organic Super Foods)

2012-12-04 131

1. Regulates friendly intestinal flora, especially improves the growth of bifidobacterium
2. Reduces constipation
3. Helps to reduce the risk of developing colon cancer
4. Improves calcium and magnesium absorption
5. Improves vitamin absorption
6. Helps manage cholesterol, triglycerides, and fat metabolism in general
7. Boosts the immune system in a similar way to aloe vera
8. Contain glyconutrients
9. Ideal for low-calorie and weight-loss diets
10. Ideal for low-sugar diets
11. Ideal for cancer-fighting diets
12. Non-cariogenic (does not cause cavities)
13. Contains superfood-level antioxidants
14. Standardized to 30% FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides)
15. Rich in antioxidants
16. Helps reduce symptoms of blood sugar disorders (hypoglycemia, diabetes type 2,

Though packed with sweetness, the sugar in yacon is mainly in the form of
fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which cannot be absorbed by the body. This means
yacon is both naturally low-calorie and low in mono and disaccharides (less than 1 gram
per serving of the sugars that rapidly elevate blood sugar levels). Yacon root syrup has
little influence on the glucose tolerance curve and is dramatically less glycemic than
ho ney, agave, or maple syrup.

Use yacon root syrup as you would honey, agave, stevia, or maple syrup on foods, in
recipes and to sweeten beverages.