$600 Car Racks Up $100,000 in Parking Fines

2012-11-29 38

A $600 car has racked up more than $100,000 in parking violations.

There are some perks to owning an older model vehicle. No hefty payments anyways.

However one woman in Chicago is very upset after allegations surfaced that she owed more than $100,000 in parking fines on a less-than-ideal car.

City officials claim that 31-year-old single mom, Jennifer Fitzgerald owes a staggering amount of money for 678 parking tickets that were placed on her vehicle over the course of three years.

A 1999 Chevy Monte Carlo that was purchased for only $600 is registered in her name.

The confusing story began in 2008 when Fitzgerald’s then boyfriend purchased the car from her uncle and for some reason put the title under her name. The couple broke up and her ex continued to pay the expenses on the vehicle and drive it to work.

He reportedly parked in spots belonging to the City at O'Hare Airport. His employer, United Airlines leased the area for employee parking.

In mid-November 2009, however, Fitzgerald’s ex abandoned the old Chevy in the parking lot and police repeatedly ticketed it in the following months instead of having it towed.

She has filed a lawsuit against the city, her ex and United airlines alleging that officials did not follow protocol.