EMF, Cell Phone, Wireless Dangers Are Here to Stay (Radiation Meters)

2012-12-01 17


Devices that make use of electrical energy often radiate electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies basically are the unseen energies produced by various devices which are highly reliant on electrical energy to work. These frequencies are measurable by a particular device which is used to detect these waves as they emit objects that are electrically charged. These waves are thought to be dangerous in numerous occurrences and have been linked with numerous health issues.

Disparities in electrical energy cause discrepancies in electromagnetic fields - the higher the electrical energy, the grater the power of the electromagnetic fields, which are emitted from objects that are electrically charged. It is also important to note that even when the device does not have any electrical energy flowing through it, it still emanates electromagnetic frequencies. Hence, it is vitally important to be distanced from the source emitting the electromagnetic frequencies. This is because distance weakens them.
