Fat and Happy Not Just a Myth

2012-11-27 269

Genetic scientists say fat and happy may not be a myth.

The adage fat and happy might have some basis in reality.

A new study shows that a genetic predisposition to obesity might also be linked with a lowered possibility of depression.

Researchers from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada found that a variety of FTO gene might be responsible for an 8 to 16 percent decrease in the risk of depression, and contributes to genetic reasons for obesity.

The study used data from over 17 thousand samples of DNA from volunteers in 21 countries.

Doctor David Meyre, an associate professor in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine said: “The difference of eight percent is modest and it won’t make a big difference in the day-to-day care of patients, but we have discovered a novel molecular basis for depression.”

Many people think that obesity and depression are connected, but the commonly held view is contrary to the research findings, which were validated in three different international research studies on the same topic.

Other research on depression has shown that the condition may be up to 40 percent hereditary.