Cloud Based Inventory Software – StratusISRP

2012-11-23 3

For the retailers and manufactures who know how difficult it is to keep track of their inventory, IntelliTrack came up with the perfect solution: asset and inventory tracking software, using bar-codes, RFID and wireless tracking technology.

IntelliTrack is a leader in inventory management software industry, with over 25 years of experience and more than 20,000 installations. IntelliTrack is not only offering the software and its installation, but they also assist their clients with permanent customer service.

As part of the Stratus product line, IntelliTrack developed the StratusISRP Software.

StratusISRP – or Inventory, Shipping, Receiving, Picking – perfectly fits small and mid-sized companies. It helps you manage your inventory, shipping, receiving and picking needs in a fast and efficient way.

Using StratusISRP, you can restock customers even from your delivery truck. You can also validate receipts and orders with predefined picking and receiving orders. You will save on costs and on paperwork, and you will have improved accuracy on managing your stockroom inventory.

You will not need to invest in new hardware since StratusISRP is a cloud-based system. And you will be able to access and manage your data from anywhere in the world, by using a computer and an internet connection. You also don't need to worry about security.

If you need help, our customer support team will be gladly assist you. Customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities.

Intellitrack has developed three additional cloud based software packages, as part of the Stratus software family:
• StratusInventory Software
• Stratus Strockroom Software
• Stratus VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) Software

To learn more about Stratus, or other inventory software created by IntelliTrack, please visit our channel at, or call at: 888 583 3008.