Health Effects Of Mobile Phone Radiation (Radiation Meters)

2012-11-26 21

It's one of the signs of the approaching food collapse our world will soon be facing: Honeybees are disappearing at a truly alarming rate all around the world. Up to 30 percent of the honeybee population is collapsing in North America every year, and there's no end in sight to "the silence of the bees."

Honeybees, of course, pollinate about a third of all the food consumed by first-world nations. Without them, the global food supply crashes and food prices skyrocket. The human population, not surprisingly, would plummet. Honeybees are absolutely crucial to the chain of life on planet Earth, and they are dying in record numbers.

Efforts to understand the cause of the honeybee population collapse (sometimes called "Colony Collapse Disorder") have so far pointed to pesticides, air pollution and even GMOs. All of those are no doubt important factors, but new research carried out at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology may have unveiled the real key: Cell phone signals.

How cell towers cause honeybee hives to collapse
Researcher Daniel Favre and his colleagues performed 83 experiment recording the reaction of honeybees to cell phones in their off state, standby state or active talking state. It turns out that when cell phones are in their "active" state (sending or receiving signals), honeybees are strongly disoriented and suffer from widespread miscommunication that causes them to stop seeking out food and begin swarming.