CAP reform / Energy roadmap 2050 / Syria

2012-11-21 11

Over 7,000 amendments were tabled on the CAP reform proposed by the Commission. 2,200 concern the common organisation of markets and agricultural products. These were the focus of a debate in the EP on Monday. The Commission's proposal on common market organisation is generally considered to fall far short of expectations. The real issues are the organisation of producers and the evolution of competition law. Which energy future for Europe in 2050? What economic structures for energy policy? What implications for the Union’s energy needs in 2050? Several roadmaps were examined on Monday during a public hearing. National experts were invited to discuss the matter at the EP. 'Silence kills!' was the slogan of the human chain that formed around the EP on Sunday. Artists and intellectuals joined in the demonstration against the international community’s silence on the massacres carried out daily by the Syrian regime. Father Paolo had been living in Syria for 30 years, but had to flee his adoptive country. His frankness displeased Bashar al-Assad’s regime. The Syrian situation is like a tsunami in the Mediterranean. If there was a tsunami in Sicily, we’d deal with it. Millions of victims… We must deal with it now. The EU should assume its responsibilities and accept the need to arm the opposition. Father Paolo is invited to speak in the Parliament on Tuesday.

EuroparlTV video ID: b0646102-d018-4dbd-9e57-a0cf01248066

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