How Is Noni Juice Effective (Organic Super Foods)

2012-11-24 64

Recent nutritional studies have shown we are best to source and eat foods that are seasonal. In this way nature provides the appropriate nutrients for the variable climatic and environmental conditions that create different demands on our bodies. Noni is therefore a food we should have all year round! It has no season! Fruit ready to harvest, young fruit and blossoms are produced continuously on the same tree.
Maybe nature is trying to tell us something!! In my experience in dealing with the Noni I have witnessed its effectiveness in alleviating Diabetes (type2), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Arthritic complaints, Digestive disorders, Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS), Allergies, Respiratory problems (including Asthma), Local skin infections and inflammations, High blood pressure, Skin disorders (eg; eczema and psoriasis), Headaches (including Migraines), Gout and High Cholesterol. In addition to this I have personally observed that Noni used as a topical application is very effective in hastening the healing time of skin abrasions and especially remarkable in healing BURNS.
I have also noted many times that skin abrasions treated with Noni heal quickly and without infection. The following list shows the many beneficial effects that have been reported and I have evidenced from people that drink Noni Juice.
• Improvement in general well-being
• More sustained energy
• Clarity of thought
• Better coping mechanisms
• More tolerance
• Ability to prioritise effectively
• Enthusiasm
• Better digestion and elimination function
• Feeling “normal” again
• Better sleep
• Utilizing time more efficiently
• Improved skin tone
• Healthier hair
• Stronger nails
• Increased Libido
• Less prone to ailments
• Faster recovery from sickness and injury