Backstage: Coming soon to Young Europe

2012-11-19 2

Hello! Welcome to Backstage, where we go behind the scenes at the Parliament. Follow me. What's new for the autumn on EPTV? Isn't EuroparlTV's new website nice? What style! I wonder what I'm doing here. It's a bit too clean for me. Can you help? Hey! It's not me that needs the makeover, it's the site. Oh, dear. I'm going to have a hard time again. Worse than last year. I'll show you. No! Not that! This is a news programme, not reality TV! Imagine 100 Olympic swimming pools to be cleaned. ..the floating items. The problem is that not all Member States can afford it. A lot of our electronic scrap metal is dumped in countries in the South. It's illegal. O for Obesity. For your health, rather than beauty, avoid eating too much fat, salt and sugar. No, not lettuce. There's no point in going to the opposite extreme. In A-Z, no limits. They're going to send me to report on the ground to see how EU laws turn out in your daily life as a European citizen... What? You didn't think it rocked? I can do it in English if you like. No? Swedish, then. Slovakian, Slovenian, Romanian, Portuguese, Polish... or any of the 23 EU languages. And if that's not enough, the videos are subtitled in every language. That's over 100 language combinations to choose from. If you're Finnish and you want to learn Greek, you can on EuroparlTV. I'm equipped to be multilingual and to communicate better. But if you want me to shut up, click on Get the Picture, the new programme for the autumn. Visual and no blah blah. The aim is to explain Europe without any fuss. You see what I mean? Missed! I see the kind of thing. 2D animation is so now. As a result, in Get the Picture, I'm being replaced by old tech. Get the Picture: A picture is worth a thousand words! On Eureka, I'm not going to reinvent the wheel. In 1950 the French minister, Robert Schuman... We've seen the major stages of European construction, but we have a laugh with my mate Robert. History! Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements... '...which first create a de facto solidarity.' We know that. What if we pinched his glasses? I'll show you. To see things more clearly, with or without glasses, watch Eureka. You might have a European vision. Not like the Member States now. Or me when I muddle everything up. Hey, Robert, are you listening? Will you give them to me or not? Sorry, mate. It's for a good cause. There! Thank you. Well, there you are. You've seen it all. If you want to know more about the EP, see you in an upcoming Backstage. Right. You're not stupid. Just click here. Bye!

EuroparlTV video ID: 584919e0-6ce8-4db6-ace2-a0c200e1fdca