TOP TEN SUPERFOODS (Organic Super Foods)

2012-11-20 32

Number One: Goji Berries
I've just finished reading the chapter on goji berries in David Wolfe's book, Superfoods. This is his choice for the number one superfood. I'm also chewing on a few while I write this. They look like small red raisins, but taste different. They are still chewy, but not nearly as sweet. That's probably what surprised me the most; since I'm accustomed to anything called a "berry" to be super-sweet.

This berry's flavor has grown on me, especially after learning how special it is. The fact that stands out most for me is that the goji berry has more antioxidant power than the blueberry! This super food is also known as the Wolfberry- which is the first ingredient in Isagenix's Supreme drink (which I consume everyday after work and it gets me energized enough to keep me from becoming a couch potato :)

I could go on and on about all the miraculous things goji berries do for our body, but you can research it yourself or just go online (or get to your local natural foods store) and buy a bag for yourself. The recommended daily amount is a handful of berries, so consider buying a big bag. Smaller amounts of goji berry can be sprinkled on salads, into loose tea (making tea from goji berries is especially beneficial for our body), smoothies and trail mix. "Go go goji berry!" can be my new cheer.

Number Two: Cacao (raw chocolate)
Number Three: Maca (looks like a turnip)
Number Four: Bee Products (honey, bee polen, royal jelly, propolis)
Number Five: Spirulina
Number Six: Blue-Green Algae
Number Seven: Marine Phytoplankton
Number Eight: Aloe Vera
Number Nine: Hemp Seed
Number Ten: Coconuts