Earthing Grounding and Earthing Grounding Products

2012-11-16 2
I have been an acupuncturist for over 30 years, and practice at ANTRAC Acupuncture Clinic, in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. I have found that daily “Earthing” or “Grounding” is vital and absolutely essential for good health and well-being. It simply involves allowing the naturally-occurring healing Free Electrons derived from the Earth to flow through your bare feet via the acupuncture point Kidney 1 (Gushing Spring) into your body to neutralize damaging Free Radicals which are responsible for chronic low-grade inflammation, which has been shown to be the cause of nearly ALL diseases. As modern society is strapped for time to spend a meagre 2 hours barefoot every day OUTSIDE, Earthing Substitute Products (ESP's) are an inexpensive and practical way to bring the healing power of the Earth INSIDE. Note that these products do NOT require electricity to operate and the power point switch can be left turned off. The products only require access to the Earthing Pin which is the lower of the three pins to function, in Australia. There is NO electricity consumption. In 3 simple steps, the Earthing Products can be quickly installed INSIDE without any technical skill. This video is about the theory of Earthing / Grounding, and then about the many different ESP’s that can boost your health and wellness, minimise your pain and inflammation naturally and allow you to sleep serenely most nights and wake refreshed and invigorated ready for the next day. These Earthing Products will enhance your emotional freedom and optimise your wellness.