Petraeus sex scandal: everything you need to know

2012-11-16 1

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Oh you thought CIA Director David Petraeus's affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell got interesting when he resigned? Oh no, friends, it gets better. This thing now has shirtless photos of an FBI agent, Gen. John Allen, and a twin!

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Let's give you guys a recap and not try to sound like a twelve-year-old girl gossiping at lunch time. It all started when Paula Broadwell began writing, "All In", a biography about CIA Director David Petraeus.

Things got hot and heavy, as they usually do when one is writing a biography, and the two started an affair. Soon Broadwell turned into a crazy ho, as women usually do when having an inappropriate affair, and started sending threatening emails, to Petraeus's family friend and Tampa socialite Jill Kelley. Now we are not quite sure if Kelley and Petraeus are really "just friends" but that's the story.

Kelley recruited a friend in the FBI to help track down who was sending these emails. Through this investigation the FriendBI traced the emails back to Broadwell and found a private Gmail account where Broadwell and Petraeus were communicating through unsent drafts.

A larger investigation ensued, which lead to Petraeus's resignation. GASP. Soon after, the Pentagon revealed that Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, has had thousands of inappropriate communications with Kelley, Broadwell's nemesis, who he also claims is a family friend.

Weird? OH IT GETS weirder. Turns out, Kelley has an "emotionally unstable" twin sister that was wrapped up in a messy custody battle for her four-year-old son recently. Why does this matter? Because BOTH Allen and Petraeus wrote letters supporting Kelley's twin sister in court.

So why is this a big deal? Well, it is hard to say whether or not Petraeus revealed super secret information to Broadwell or not. She has been on camera saying she has insider information about the Libya attack but claims she did not get it from Petraeus...Okay Broadwell.

As for Gen. John Allen, his nomination to be the next commander of U.S. European Command and the commander of NATO forces in Europe is currently on hold pending the investigation. Anything else? OH YEAH! That FriendBI of Jill Kelley, sent her topless photos of himself months before he started investigating the emails.

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