Danish Presidency / Animal welfare / EU information network

2012-11-14 13

A thumbs up for the just-finished Danish Presidency of the EU from many quarters for its navigation especially of key initiatives through the heat of the eurozone crisis. Like preparations for the EU’s long term budget. The Danish Presidency had big successes, above all in the area of energy efficiency. It had echoes with MEPs too. I would particularly like to highlight the energy efficiency directive. Of course we wanted to have more. They wanted to have more. But even though some countries were impeding it, this was a big step forward. There have been great strides in improving animal welfare in recent years. But a lack of compliance to and enforcement of a bewildering array of laws has meant it’s not been as effective as it might. MEPs hope to change that with a vote on Wednesday on a four year strategy for the protection and welfare of all animals in captivity. That’s mostly farms, but it also includes zoos, homes and laboratories. Both the farmers’ union and all the animal welfare groups have agreed with it. We have found the compromise that more or less everyone can stand behind. Got a question about the EU? Moving? Retiring? Looking for a new qualification or a chance to tackle the EU on a particular issue? It’s likely Europe Direct has the answer. There are almost 500 drop-in information centres like this around the EU, plus an online resource. Now they’re getting a boost with a new memorandum of understanding designed to improve outreach and stimulate public involvement. Just in time for the 2014 parliamentary elections.

EuroparlTV video ID: 237cf3b7-febd-4175-9f91-a0830121273a

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