Macy's Unveils Balloon Characters Hello Kitty, Papa Smurf and Elf on the Shelf for Thanksgiving Day Parade

2012-11-12 24

Macy's debuted its three new balloons for its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York on Saturday (November 10).

The popular Japanese cat character, Hello Kitty, Papa Smurf and Elf on the Shelf are the newest additions.

Macy's tested all three giant balloons in New Jersey, but the event was closed to the public.

"Today is an amazing day for us. We've got two weeks to go before the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and today we debut the brand new balloons that are going to reveal themselves on Thanksgiving. We've got Elf on the shelf, Papa Smurf and of course, Hello Kitty, of course, is going to be flying in her own plane down the new parade route this year," Amy Kule, executive producer of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, said.

This year will mark the 86th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.