Truth Be Told with Lucinda Bassett
Topic: Anxiety Disorders
Live Radio Broadcast via LA Talk Live
For the full version of Truth Be Told with Lucinda Bassett:
A few years ago, Lucinda Bassett's husband and business partner, David, committed suicide after an agonizing year's struggle with mental illness. Lucinda and her children were devastated. Unbelievably, within just a few months of his death, she
lost her brother, and then her mother. And to add to the overwhelming anguish she was already experiencing, Lucinda was then forced to sell her business during an economic downturn. In this gripping account, Bassett digs deep inside herself to uncover the patterns of guilt, blame, anger, and shame she experienced throughout her life, and how
they resurfaced and related to these horrific and painful recent tragedies. Her remarkable story is one of complete and candid intimacy, personal introspection, courage, pain, perseverance, and, ultimately, healing.
From bestselling author and self-help guru Lucinda Bassett, comes an intimate and empowering memoir. Truth Be Told- A Memoir of Success, Suicide and Survival
Available Mach 1, 2013
Available for pre-order now: