Chronicles of a European Winter - Episode 1

2012-11-08 1

Athens, from recession to depression.

At the end of 2011, the people living in Greece were getting ready to enter the 5th year of the longest recession ever in capitalist era history.

This is the first episode of "Chronicles of a European Winter", a documentary series by Etienne Haug about austerity, and Europe in crisis.
Subtitles are available in german and french, by clicking on "CC" in the video menu.

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Second episode online (with video content to be released on february 6th) :

The project :

Chronicles of a European Winter is a documentary series telling everyday life stories of people living in Europe during the early 2010's economic crisis, known as the "european debt crisis". Initiated in November 2011, this long term documentary project already counts three 45 minutes-long episodes. This first season tells the daily life of a few people living in Athens, a snapshot of the situation in december 2011. Following those chronicles, one progressively realises what it means, as well materially as psychologically, to live in a country where the social balance that everyone took granted for decades is shattered in a few years.
In the spring of 2012 a cooperation with greek photographers Stefania Mizara and Achilleas Zavallis, french picture curator Camille Pillias and french editor Nelly Ollivault led to the release of this video work going along with the first episode.

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This project – Chronicles of a European Winter- is registered under the copyleft CC-BY Creative Commons license. It is free -and highly recommended- to share, use and broadcast as long as the authors and source website ( are quoted.