Natural Calamities: God's Judgment on This World, REPENT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!

2012-11-07 88

I, YAHUVEH, have decreed war on this earth. Fire is coming from the sky and no one can stop ME. Need I remind you of what happened at the Tower of Babylon? So it shall be once again and your towers of Babylon shall fall. I have given you chance after chance to repent. I have told the people to take back the freedoms that are being stripped away. They just shrug their shoulders and say, "What can we do?" "Nothing" Your newspapers are censored. Your news is censored. But still you can protest. Why do you not even offer up a prayer?

I have instructed this Ringmaiden to start saying a prayer anew. Do not just assume that people are to be martyred for MY sake. Where are the prayers? Need I remind you of Shaul, the one you call Paul? Do you not know it was the prayers for intercession that was going on and that is the reason he was spared. I have instructed this Ringmaiden to start praying ahead of time for a force field that will encompass your bodies that will be a protection from the weapons of man and anyone that comes near you. Those of MY select few, those that are called the first fruits, for you are MY choice. It is as though you go through a vegetable bin; do you not choose the best ones? So to I have chosen MY Bride, MY Chosen Ones and MY Elect! There is a force field that will encompass you that man will not be able to see until the weapon is aimed at you literally. They seek to control your mind.

The evil seek to take your will but they forget MY beloved, it is MY will, it is MY Spirit, MY RUACH ha KODESH and they cannot touch it. It is not your mind for you have given it over to ME, so your Creator can speak to you, so you can hear ME and I have raised up prophets after MY OWN Spirit. The false ones say "Listen not to the prophets" but I have always had a prophet. I sent to this earth the Prophet of the Prophets, HE is MY Son YAHUSHUA. HE did not leave this earth until the Comforter came who imparted the true gift of prophecy, so MY Children can hear again.

Do you want to know why you can't hear? For so many struggle and say, "I'll just listen to what this prophet says." But you must learn, seek ME for yourself. Desire with all of your heart for MY voice for you to hear and I will not disappoint you. Even the Bible Codes, some are real, some are counterfeits but even words here and there, if you do not have discernment satan will take it and lead you astray. So beware of who you listen to, does it line up with MY Word?