Grand Theft Auto V Trailer Impacted by Hurricane Sandy, DUST 514 Beta to Endure 2012, Vita's PlayStation Plus Details Imminent - Nick's Gaming View Episode #96

2012-11-07 39,670

Coming up today on Nick’s Gaming View, the new Grand Theft Auto V trailer delayed due to Hurricane Sandy, Dust 514 to remain in closed beta closing out the year, and details on Vita’s integration of PlayStation Plus imminent, THIS IS NICK’S GAMING VIEW!

Hello everyone and welcome to Nick’s Gaming View, you are here with your host, Nick McCandless. After months of anticipation for the next Grand Theft Auto V trailer, Rockstar Games has addressed the community by stating the following “We are working on a second trailer - unfortunately Hurricane Sandy has derailed our plans somewhat but we will have something to show soon. Its hard to be precise as we have no power whatsoever in our New York office. We hope everyone else in affected areas is doing okay.” Being left with the Grand Theft Auto V teaser trailer from over a year ago has gamers drooling for more, but unfortunately we will all have to wait for the recovery of the recent natural disaster.

Dust 514, CCP Game’s very own spin-off of EVE Online, has recently received a news update in regards to its schedule. Originally scheduled to go public during 2012, the closed beta for Dust 514 will extend until the end of 2012 leading into 2013. David Reid, one of the executives over at CCP Games explained a perfect delivery of the experience is their expectation and rushing to meet a specific release date will not take place. Glad to hear of another company taking pride in the quality of their project, let’s just hope the entire situation turns out to be more than talk when it finally goes public sometime during 2013.

Closing out today’s episode of Nick’s Gaming View, Sony has confirmed that details on Vita’s implementation of PlayStation Plus are imminent. Expected to include automatic updates, cloud storage, free games, and discounted releases, the small percentage of gamers who actually own a PlayStation Vita should be in for a solid service closing out the year.

Well that concludes today’s episode of Nick’s Gaming View but be sure to follow me on Twitter @NickMcCandless and check back daily for Nick’s Gaming View for your daily access pass to all things gaming.



