Obama, Romney ignore sore throats, fatigue to campaign

2012-11-05 30

You can hear it in their voices.

SOUNDBITE: U.S. President Barack Obama saying:

"I will fight for you and your families."

SOUNDBITE: Republican Mitt Romney saying:

"Change is not measured in words and speeches..."

They're hoarse after a day that saw them crisscrossing the country ---- rallying crowds in Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire and Iowa. And it doesn't end there Before the night is over, they'll hit Pennsylvania, Colorado and Virginia.

The latest Reuters Ipsos polls shows the President with a lead, 48 percent to Romney's 47 percent ---although other national polls show Obama up by two to three points. Either way, it's an uncomfortably close margin for an incumbent president. With just over a day to go before voters head to the polls, they want Americans to remember this message.

SOUNDBITE: U.S. President Barack Obama saying:

"We've come too far to turn back now. We've come too far to let our voices grow faint. It's time to push forward to train all our workers, to educate our kids, to create new jobs, to find new sources of energy. We'll reaffirm the spirit that makes the United States of American the best nation on earth."

SOUNDBITE: Republican Mitt Romney saying:

"The door to a brighter future is there. It is open. It is waiting for us. I need your vote. i need your help. Walk with me to a better future and let's take it the hope of the earth and let's renew the American dream."

Both men will end the day between 2 and 3 in the morning, just enough time to rest and prepare to do it again Monday