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Main channel @ http://www.youtube.com/jinxyz527
13th release for the anime/jdrama theme song project, "Code C". This was a requested song.
Still accepting requests.
This was game 「戦国BASARA2英雄外伝」(sengoku BASARA2 eiyuu gaiden)'s theme song.
The original video on YouTube generated 5651 views with 76% ratings (29:9) and 11 favorites.
Vocal cover as usual - all vocal parts were done by me.
Craziness!! It's been 3 months, I wasn't being lazy, but I was very very busy!! Despite my inactivity the past 3 months, I actually got 100+ subscribers during the period and now it's past 300!! Thank you so so so much!
What am I gonna do!! I totally didn't do the 100 special and before I know it, it reached 300!! I must work faster to make better covers!
This time I got a new mike, and tried mixing it differently again. It turned out a lot more solid than any of my previous covers. The sound quality itself should've upgraded a lot. Since most of my subscribers (and myself) seem to like my abs covers, not to mention it's probably oen of the most challenging and fun songs to do, I decided the first song to test out the mike would be abs!
Especially while basara2's anime is airing at the moment too ;)
As I have mentioned in the video, I'm in a new band now called angelika.
I'll link our Facebook page at the links at the bottom.
You can follow my latest news on twitter!
Official Website: http://members.shaw.ca/jinxyz527
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jin527
Blog: http://ameblo.jp/jin527/
Official FC: http://www.facebook.com/JIN.FC.SatelliteS
Ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jin-s-live-broadcast
deviantART: http://jinxyz527.deviantart.com
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/jin527