Medical Condition Makes Chinese Baby's Face Look Like A Mask

2012-10-30 346

A Chinese baby may finally get medical relief after a birth deformity which caused his face to look like a mask.

It’s always heartbreaking to see young children who are born with deformities. A Chinese male baby had corrective surgery for a severe form of macrostomia, which is a condition that makes the mouth exceptionally wide.

Pictures of the baby boy showed his mouth reaching up to the middle of his face. His mother stated “The only thing I could do is to give him more love and more care and try our best to make him live a normal life”.

The child could not chew due to the deformity so he was malnourished. Because his parents could not afford the costly medical expenses, a hospital in Shanghai offered to do a free surgery.

An underlying issue with facial deformities is the high cost of corrective treatment. Many parents simply cannot afford surgery and that’s where the inspirational nonprofit organization, ‘Little baby face foundation’ comes in.

Founded in 2002 with the goal of providing free corrective surgery to children with facial deformities, the group has since helped more than 250 children across the globe.

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