Dark Chocolate Now The Super Food (Organic Super Foods)

2012-11-03 14


Are you tired of fruit diet? Then start eating dark chocolate for better health benefits. That is what the recent study claims. According to a recent study, dark chocolate has more health benefits than fruit juice. It is thus termed as 'Super food' by scientists.
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According to scientists dark chocolate has better health benefits than fruits as research has claimed that chocolates have more health plants compounds and antioxidants and is rich in much more nutritional values. To come to this conclusion, scientists compared cocoa powder with raw ingredients of chocolate with blueberries, cranberries and pomegranates.

The result was that cocoa drinks had more anti-oxidants than fruit juices. This finding of cocoa seeds having more nutritional values than fruits went on to classify them as super fruits. Lets look at some of the health benefits of dark chocolate -

1.Reduce Blood Pressure – A research in University of California has proved that cocoa consumption reduces blood pressure by an average of 5/2 mm Hg. The compound called epicatechin released from cocoa triggers the release of a substance which leads to observing of increased blood flow. It also helps the body to produce nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels. Thus, making dark chocolate the super food.


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